
Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond is unavailable, but you can change that!

Are these the last days? Could Jesus return at any time to establish a thousand-year reign on earth? What is the nature of Christ’s millennial kingdom referred to in the book of Revelation? What must happen before Jesus returns, and what part does the church play? Three predominant views held by evangelicals seek to answer these and related questions: premillennial, postmillennial, and...

Gouge (1575–1653), Richard Sibbes (1577–1635), John Cotton (1584–1652), Thomas Goodwin (1600–1679), George Gillespie (1613–1649), John Owen (1616–1683), Elnathan Parr (d. 1632), Thomas Brooks (1608–1680), John Howe (d. 1678), James Renwick (d. 1688), Matthew Henry (1662–1714), and others. The Puritan form of postmillennialism generally holds not only to a future glory for the church, but that the millennial era proper will not begin until the conversion of the Jews and will flower rather quickly
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